
evaria.com welcomes you inside » |
evaria.com may be a computer freaks palace,
nevertheless it's here and has been since early summer '99. Believe it
or not, evaria.com is actually a one-man-show! Whenever we (I) need some
extra hands we (I) simply enter our (my) office (Internet) and call in
some colleagues (connections from 5 different continents).
The point at which evaria.com becomes a community, this website is meant
to serve as a free resource for everyone who's interested in, or working with,
Computers, Internet, Web Design, Graphics and Programming.
For the moment we find ourselves
somewhere in between... Our community forum is gradually picking up the paste.
Furtermore, our JavaScript Files has grown from nothing to the
point at which it receives about 20.000 hits a month, in just over two years.
Our link directory even succeeds that number!
In the future we hope to see that our hard work will increase traffic
significantly towards our PHP | mySQL section as well.
evaria.com web development studio, being an additional service, has created
several major websites over the past two years. Check
out our showcase or portfolio to catch up on recent development.
Staying on the Internet requires some special attention towards the most important
clients, namely YOU! Therefore we're eager to get your opinion about our content and layout.
Whatever comes to mind... Please let us know!!
P.S. If you start out with the good bits, we feel more comfortable reading the rest...
Remember that today is tomorrow, yesterday...